Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcRailways Transport ServicesTender ValueN.A.
LocationTamil Nadu - India Ref.No79515936
Closing Date30 - Jan - 2025
Supply of supply, layout and installation of set of accessories for dg set access area
supply, layout and installation of set of accessories for dg set access area as per specifications 1) high durable impact resistant reinforced interlocking plates with technical specification dimension 300 mm x 300 mm, thickness 9.8 mm, surface flatness max 0.22 %, rectangularity max 0.15%, scratch hardness min 3, resistance to surface abrasion, crazing resistance min 4 cycles @ 7.5 bar, chemical resistance to all acids and alkalis, module of rupture min 153 kg/ sq cm, thermal shock resistance min 10 cycle. total area 640 sq ft, 2) high performance polymer-based water-soluble adhesive- 40kg/set, 3) mild steel gate of dimension 6 ft h x 6 ft w - 1 nos/set, 4) inclined access platform of dimension 8 ft w x 12 ft l x 6 ft h with outer extruded blocks with proper reinforcement - 1 nos/set, 5) acrylic based matt finish exterior emulsion for 2 coats for area of 400 sqft formulated with high durability pigments and reinforced with anti-microbial agents as per iso 231692020 - 30 ltrs/set, 6) fitment accessories and consumables - 1 set. note firmhas to carry out necessary surface preparation as per specific requirement. [ warranty period 30 monthsafter the date of delivery ] ]
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