Product Detail :
Tender Notice for purchase of Lab Reagents for Distt Rohtak -1 Epidural Kit 17G metallic introducer for catheter, , 0.22 Micro Flat Filter. Kit includes 19G PUR flexible, epidural catheter with radiopaque line, catheter, -, guide, black mark at distal tip, detachable “Easy, -, lock” adaptor, centimeter graduations (5 to 15 cm), USFDA, -, 2 Single Lumen Venous Catheter Tray with 16G, fully radiopaque catheter for jugular/subclavian, access (15 cm/20 cm), puncture needle, 10 ml, syringe, “J” guidewire, USFDA, -, 3 Paediatric Triple Lumen Catheter Kit Includes, 4.5Fr radiopaque polyurethane catheters (6 cm, 8, cm, 10 cm), triple lumen catheter, introducer, needle, short I.V. cannula (22G), “J” or straight, guidewire, USFDA, -, 4 ET Tube for Neonates Endotracheal tube with, secondary lumen for surfactant delivery, sizes 2, , 2.5, 3 mm, USFDA, -, 5 Echogenic Nerve Block Needle for Regional, Anesthesia Coated for maximum echogenicity, , bevel types (17° Lancet or 20° Back, -cut), various, sizes (20, -23G, lengths from 2.5 cm to 15 cm), USFDA, -, 6 Radial Arterial Catheter Kit Seldinger technique, catheter for arterial puncture, 1 transparent XRO, catheter (PE) 20G, introducer needle 20G, straight, guidewire, USFDA, -, 7 Radiopaque Transparent PUR Catheter For, venous/arterial access, DEHP, -free, sizes 2.5Fr, , 3.5Fr, 4Fr, 5Fr, 8 Paediatric Single Lumen Venous Catheter Kit, 22G/2Fr central venous catheter, puncture needle, (21G), straight metallic guidewire, radiopaque, catheter with extension tube, fixation wings, USFDA, -, 9 PICC Catheter Kit for Newborn PUR catheter, with stylet (1Fr/28G, 20 cm), includes introducer, splitting needle and measuring tape, USFDA, -, 10 PICC Catheter Kit for Neonates 24G radiopaque, PUR catheter (5, 10, 15, 20 cm markings), peel, -, apart I.V. cannula, removable Easy, -lock connector, with PUR extension tube, USFDA, -, 11 Plexygon Electro, -neuro, -Stimulator LCD screen, , adjustable impulse generator for plexus and, peripheral nerve blocks, 0 to 6 mA, 1, -5 mA, 0.5 mA, increments, EUCE, -, 12 ET Tube Holder Skin, -friendly adjustable strap with, flexible channel sleeve, customizable fit for tubes (7, -, 10 mm), hydrocolloid foam base plate for stability, ISO, -, 13 Epidural/Central Line Securement Dual, securement device, waterproof, hypoallergenic, , stretchable, Velcro closure flap, ISO, -, 14 Foley Catheter Securement Dual securement, device, waterproof, hypoallergenic, stretchable, , Velcro closure flap, ISO, -, 15 Universal Tubings/Lines Securement, (Neonatal) Waterproof, hypoallergenic, stretchable, securement with Velcro closure, ISO, -, 16 Vein Shape Securement Device with shape, memory technology, 17 Feeding Tube Attachment Butterfly, -shaped, attachment with skin barrier hydrocollide base, , adjustable swivel clamping mechanism for NG and, NI tubes, ISO, -, 18 Drain & Chest Tube Holder Sterile dual, securement, silicon fixing plate, multiple sizes for, drainage catheters (6, -36 mm), sterile cotton pad for, absorption, ISO, -, 19 Sterile Nasal Pad Skin, -friendly, opaque, flexible, , washable material to prevent pressure ulcers from, CPAP/BiPAP, size 8x3.5 cm, ISO, -, 20 Catheter Securement Universal Device with, shape memory technology, ISO, -, 21 Leg Bag Sleeve Latex, -free, washable, flexible, sleeve for leg bags, with catheter holder and shape, memory technology securement, ISO, -, 22 Universal Disinfectant Caps for Catheter Hubs, Impregnated with 70% isopropyl alcohol for passive, disinfection, ISO, -, 23 Boxer Bandage (Ready to Use) Safety mittens to, prevent patients from pulling out lines/tubes, , breathable material, adult & pediatric sizes, ISO, -, 24 Needlefree Bag/Bottle Spike IV bag and bottle, spike with needle, -free closed system, hydrophobic, and antibacterial filter, for multiple vial/IV bag use, ISO, -, 25 Sterile Hydrocolloid Dressing (Extra Thin) Size, 12.5 x 12.5 cm, ISO, -, 26 Sterile Hydrocolloid Dressing with Foam (Extra, Thin) Size 12.5 x 12.5 cm, ISO, -, 27 Sterile Hydrocolloid Dressing Size 18 x 18 cm ISO, 28 Sacrum Dressing Double, -layered hydrocolloid, dressing, size 18 x 16 cm, ISO, -, 29 Skin Barrier Spray Protective barrier spray for, skin, 50 ml, content Siloxanes, ISO, -, 30 Medical Adhesive Remover Spray Gentle, , painless adhesive removal spray, 50 ml, content, Siloxanes, ISO, -, 31 Colostomy/Ileostomy Kit (55mm/70mm) Two, -, piece system with floating flange, extra adhesive, border, Lock’n roll closure, USFDA, -, 32 One, -Piece Colostomy System Soft, flexible skin, barrier with Lock’n roll enclosure, cut up to 55mm, USFDA, -, 33 Woundcare Hydro Gel (120g) Charged, non, -, staining anolyte solution for wound care, USFDA &, CE approved, USFDA, -, 34 Woundcare Solution (500 ml) Charged, non, -, staining anolyte solution for wound care, USFDA &, CE approved, USFDA, -, 35 Woundcare Solution (100 ml) Charged, non, -, staining anolyte solution for wound care, USFDA &, CE approved, USFDA, -, 36 Debridement Pad (10x10 cm) Monofilamentous, p